Wednesday, May 22, 2013





sport.htm 1 de 35

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Hello people!

In this project we have download a sing in english from you tube, to upload to dot sub, for transcribed to english. After transcribe that sing to english, we have transalate to spanish and dutch. In my opinion is good project because we have studied how to transcirbe and translate the sing.  Joannes and me have choosen because we like it and it is a punk-oi music and we like that type of music.

The group that we have choosen is called perkele, there were a group of swedeen, goteborg, and it was formed in 1993, this group was and punk-oi music band.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Hello, people!!

In this last two months we don't public anithing new because, we have been work in our bussines, this work we have do it in our sites and we have doit in two different languages.

We have put information about our bussines, my bussines was an hotel that was called " the Montepinar hotel"k, in this site we have inform about our bussines services, where it is located, the prices, the frequently ask question... also I have write abut me and what bussines I have before having this hotel. I think that a lot of people like this hotel and have goes to past a good time!

Those links are for seen my hotel services:

-English version

-Basque version